
Aging is inevitable, but feeling older is optional. At Opt Health, we empower our clients to achieve a biological age that is younger than their chronological age. Our medical experts craft personalized programs grounded in the science of preventive medicine to target the cellular processes that contribute to aging.

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What is biological age?

Biological age is a measure of the health of your cells and tissues, and it may not always align with your chronological age—the number of years you've lived. Factors like stress, smoking, alcohol intake, lack of exercise, a poor diet, and hormonal imbalances can accelerate your biological age, making you feel older than you are.

Opt Health: your partner in achieving longevity and vitality

Our personalized approach to reversing the signs of aging starts with a comprehensive evaluation by our licensed physicians. We'll examine your health profile, focusing on key areas such as:

Hormone levels

Testosterone and other hormones play a vital role in cellular repair and regeneration.

Lifestyle practices

Diet, exercise, and sleep quality significantly impact your biological age.

Genetic factors

Understanding your epigenetics allows us to create a customized program as unique as you are.

Hormone levels

Testosterone and other hormones play a vital role in cellular repair and regeneration.

Lifestyle practices

Diet, exercise, and sleep quality significantly impact your biological age.

Genetic factors

Understanding your epigenetics allows us to create a customized program as unique as you are.

Evidence-based programs to reduce biological age

Based on your unique needs, we may recommend:

Diet and exercise programs

We'll offer guidance to optimize your nutrition and physical activity, focusing on improving cellular health.

Stress management techniques

Chronic stress can damage cells. We'll teach you strategies to manage stress and promote cellular repair.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Poorly balanced hormones can accelerate aging. If indicated, BHRT can help restore hormonal balance and promote cellular rejuvenation.

The benefits of a lower biological age

More energy and increased vitality

Feel more energized throughout the day, ready to live life to the fullest.

Improved strength and stamina

Enhance your physical performance and endurance.

Sharper mind & cognitive function

Boost your focus, memory, and overall cognitive function.

Reduced risk of chronic disease

Promote healthy aging and potentially lower your risk of age-related diseases.

Add Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years

Feeling older than you are is optional. Opt Health can help you look and feel more youthful all while turning back time to achieve a younger biological age.


Got any questions?

For quick insights and support on your health journey, explore our carefully curated FAQs.

Yes, our memberships ensure continuity of care so we can measure and monitor your progress and provide ongoing treatment recommendations.

We do accept HSA/FSA. However, every plan is different so please check with your provider.

Our consultations are conducted via video through our HIPAA-compliant telemedicine platform.

We ship all supplements and prescriptions from our pharmacy directly and discreetly to your home.

Depending on your plan, you will have 2-4 consultations per year after your initial consultation. However, our care team is available 7 days a week for questions through the app.

Step into your greater self.

Your health, your terms. Discover how personalized care can transform not just the way you feel, but how you live.