Customer Real Stories of Renewed Vitality

Real transformations in health and confidence through the power of personalized optimization.


Inspiring journeys from our customers

I'm a 51 year old retired SEAL and I am still incredibly active as well as passionate about health and nutrition. As a result of 27 years in the Teams, my body has taken an immense amount of abuse as a result of both physical challenges and environmental stressors. This, over time, led to different health issues that needed to be addressed to ensure an increased health span. Opt Health dives deep into the root causes especially as it applies to metabolic health. I cannot recommend Opt Health strongly enpugh for veterans, first responders or anyone else who is not satisfied with the current state of medicine. I can say with certainty Opt has significantly contributed to my health and well.being and most-likely saved my life. I will be forever grateful to them.

Jason T, 52

Verified user

I decided to try Opt Health’s telemedicine platform a couple of months ago and so far my experience has been nothing short of fantastic. Both the initial intake questionnaire and physical exam (including bloodwork) were thorough and comprehensive yet very convenient and easy. After my lab results were ready, I had my video call consultation with Dr. Simpson. During our call, we reviewed my intake questionnaire, physical exam, and lab results and, based on all of this, Dr. Simpson created a tailor-made plan for me. If you're interested in taking care of yourself, maximizing your physical potential and feeling great, I'd definitely recommend giving Opt Health a try.

Steve G

Verified user

Opt is a very professional operation with engaged, knowledgeable doctors and staff. The initial comprehensive health evaluation makes Opt a standout provider.It sets a baseline for tracking progress. Their follow-up keeps clients on track and motivated to achieve the progress. Slow, steady weight loss, along with strength and energy gains, have been very welcome. My birth certificate says I am 66. My body and attitude feels more like <40. The only downside: spending $$ on new, smaller suits, pants, and shirts. I'll take it. Thanks Opt.

Patrick M

Verified user

I have been involved in competitive athletics over 50 years competing at an elite level in Rowing and Cycling. I have always had a structured training plan and great coaches and mentors. I now enjoy sports more recreationally but still try to train in a disciplined manner. With age my performance seems to be skipping. I have been using Opt Health for a few months now to be more systematic in my nutrition and my health. Since working with Dr. Simpson I feel my performance steadily improving. Every once in a hile I even show the young guys I still have it! I also have to thank the staff at Opt Health for the speedy and competent knowledge when answering questions regarding my specific plan. I feel Opt Health is a great resource for anyone wanting to improve their overall health as well as athletic performance.

Don S

Verified user

Having been a competitive athlete most of my life, I know being healthy is very important. Since working with the Opt Health team, they've helped et me up on a program personalized to my needs and goals. The medical staff are very knowledgeable towards athletes' needs and concerns and are easily accessible through the telemedicine format which is available 24/7. I would highly recommend Opt Health to any serious athlete and anyone who's interested men's health.

Jim W

Verified user

Opt Health quite possibly saved my life. I thought I was living a relatively healthy lifestyle, I'm active, I spend a lot of time outside, working out, spearfishing, and surfing, but I wasn't performing to the optimal level I expected of myself. What I didn't know is that there were several underlying medical issues that my primary care Dr was missing in my blood work. With Opt Health I receive customized support and supplement delivery to support my individual optimized health requirements. I also get regular blood work done so my program is constantly being updated. Now my sleep is better, my health is better, and I'm performing at a whole new level. One size doesn't fit all, but one stop a opt is definitely worth your time. It could save your life!

Will B

Verified user

What an incredible experience working with opt health. As I move into my 40s, this has been a learning journey for me on how I can hone my mind, body and soul toward health and wellness. The medical staff was professional and friendly, the app helped me understand my deficiencies in easy digestible information, and the supplements have me feeling and performing my best! Thanks to Opt Health I'm not slowing down this decade!!

Eric W

Verified user

Such a great experience with opt Health. The telemedicine platform and dashboard makes it super easy to use and engage with. Always on the quest of living a better, healthier life my Opt doctor found areas I could improve and came up with a plan to help me get there. Would absolutely recommend.

Mat R

Verified user

A great experience. Had my labs and exam done in the comfort of my home. The nurse was professional and explained the purpose for each part of the exam. I had my results two days later and spoke with a doctor the day after that. The video platform worked well which I was worried about before we connected. The doctor and I talked through each part of my health, from my diet and exercise routines to each metric of my blood test. It as unlike any conversation I've had with a doctor before and end extremely insightful. I learned a ton about my health and now have benchmarks to keep track of. 5/5 experience that I'll be continuing.

Thomas C

Verified user

Before Opt Health I was tired and could barely make it through 12 noon before needing a nap. I lacked energy and motivation. Since being with Opt Health for the last few months, my energy has increased, I no longer nap, I'm more present and available for my wife and children, and my overall attitude and demeanor has changed. Opt helped with y thyroid, vitamin deficiencies, and testosterone.

Ryan R

Verified user

I'm finally getting back to feeling as good as I did when I was in my prime as a Navy SEAL in a few months. I have lost thirty pounds; I can keep up with my kids again, and Dr Simpson identified a health condition that was quickly ending my life. Everything has been positive for me; I get along better with y wife, I sleep much better, and I am able to concentrate and work much more efficiently. I am enjoying my life a lot more now and I recommend the program for anyone that is wanting to get back to feeling like themselves again. I wish I had found this program years ago.

Santos T

Verified user


They pursued a greater self

Your Body Speaks. Let the Data translate.

Discover your health through our Performance Score, a precise metric analyzing key areas like nutrition, hormones, exercise, inflammation, stress, and sleep. It contrasts your chronological age with your biological age, using 55+ biomarkers to offer a personalized path for optimization.


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Step into your greater self.

Your health, your terms. Discover how personalized care can transform not just the way you feel, but how you live.