Weight Loss

Carrying excess weight can impact your health, energy levels, and self-esteem. At Opt Health, we understand the challenges of losing weight and keeping it off. That's why we offer personalized programs designed to help you achieve sustainable weight loss under the guidance of our licensed physicians.

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A doctor-led approach to weight management

More than numbers: We believe in a comprehensive approach that goes beyond simply counting calories.

Personalized, doctor-guided weight loss solutions

Our doctor-guided programs address the root causes of weight gain, such as:

Hormonal imbalances

Weight balance involves the complex interaction of various hormones. This includes insulin, leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone), and thyroid hormones.

Metabolic issues

An underactive metabolism may lead to less effective calorie burning, hindering weight loss efforts.

Lifestyle factors

A sedentary life, poor sleep, unhealthy eating habits, and stress can all sabotage weight loss goals.

Hormonal imbalances

Weight balance involves the complex interaction of various hormones. This includes insulin, leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone), and thyroid hormones.

Metabolic issues

An underactive metabolism may lead to less effective calorie burning, hindering weight loss efforts.

Lifestyle factors

A sedentary life, poor sleep, unhealthy eating habits, and stress can all sabotage weight loss goals.

Tailored programs to keep the weight off

Based on your unique factors, we’ll create a plan that might include:

Opt into a Better You

Nutritional advice

We’ll give you recommendations grounded in evidence to help you implement portion control and add more nutritious foods to your diet.

Behavioral coaching

We’ll guide you to develop healthy eating habits and avoid triggers that might lead to emotional eating.

Fitness guidance

We'll give you actionable, realistic exercise recommendations so you can start burning more calories and toning your muscles.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

If low hormone levels are a contributing factor, HRT can promote a healthy metabolism, facilitating weight loss.

Health benefits of long-term weight management

By taking a doctor-guided approach, you can experience a range of benefits, including:

Sustainable weight loss

No more yo-yo dieting. Our approach is designed to make weight loss sustainable.

Better physique

Less fat and more muscle will not only improve how you look. It will lead to better health outcomes across the board.

More energy

With a more active metabolism and less excess weight, you’ll have more energy to go about your daily life.

Greater confidence

These body changes will reveal the more youthful self in you, boosting your self-esteem and overall well-being.

Master Your Weight and Wellness

Don't allow excess weight to hinder your journey to optimal health. We can help you develop healthy habits and achieve lasting weight loss.

Pursue a greater you

You can be the next Opt success story