Longevity Medicine

Longevity medicine focuses on optimizing both lifespan and health span through medical interventions, therapies, and lifestyle practices. Its goal is to enhance overall health, prevent age-related diseases, and extend the years one can live in good health.

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Anti-Aging Longevity Increase Lifespan + Healthspan

Opt Health’s physicians specialize in longevity treatments, and we continue to update our programs based on cutting-edge research and developments. We are focused on customized approaches to lifestyle choices that can prevent and possibly reverse commonage-related diseases.

Types of longevity medicine treatments

At Opt Health, we offer a range of longevity treatments

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

A medical treatment that supplements, replaces, or balances hormones to address imbalances or deficiencies. It alleviates symptoms of hormonal changes, such as those during menopause or andropause.

Peptide therapy

This uses peptides, short chains of amino acids, to target specific cellular functions. Peptides can promote tissue repair, accelerate wound healing, reverse aging signs, improve hair growth, modulate hormones, enhance immunity, and support cognitive health.

Biomarker testing

In longevity medicine, this measures specific biological markers to provide insights into health status, disease risk, and aging. These biomarkers include hormone levels, insulin sensitivity, inflammatory markers, cholesterol, blood pressure, and other factors assessing overall health and age-related risks

Lifestyle modifications

These promote longevity by enhancing health and reducing age-related disease risks. Healthy choices like a nutritious diet, regular exercise, stress management, quality sleep, and avoiding harmful habits optimize function and improve disease resilience. Our physicians offer personalized lifestyle modification plans with a comprehensive approach.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

A medical treatment that supplements, replaces, or balances hormones to address imbalances or deficiencies. It alleviates symptoms of hormonal changes, such as those during menopause or andropause.

Peptide therapy

This uses peptides, short chains of amino acids, to target specific cellular functions. Peptides can promote tissue repair, accelerate wound healing, reverse aging signs, improve hair growth, modulate hormones, enhance immunity, and support cognitive health.

Biomarker testing

In longevity medicine, this measures specific biological markers to provide insights into health status, disease risk, and aging. These biomarkers include hormone levels, insulin sensitivity, inflammatory markers, cholesterol, blood pressure, and other factors assessing overall health and age-related risks

Lifestyle modifications

These promote longevity by enhancing health and reducing age-related disease risks. Healthy choices like a nutritious diet, regular exercise, stress management, quality sleep, and avoiding harmful habits optimize function and improve disease resilience. Our physicians offer personalized lifestyle modification plans with a comprehensive approach.

It’s Our Obligation, Not Just Our Right to Live Longer

We have a duty to ourselves, our families, and society to stay as healthy and productive as possible. Imagine the possibilities another 10-20 years of healthy living can bring to your life.


Personalized for your success

Discover your baseline

Start your journey with thorough diagnostics of detailed biomarkers, all from the comfort of your home or a nearby health facility. After receiving your results, we'll schedule a 1-hour follow-up consultation with an Opt physician.

Pick your membership

After your consultation, you'll select a personalization membership. Your treatments will be tailored to your unique health profile and objectives. Regardless of the tier, you'll receive customized care to help you optimize every moment.

Get your treatments

Once you select your membership, we’ll ship your tailored medications and supplements based on your health blueprint. You'll have regular bloodwork, doctor consultations, monitoring, and advanced metrics, ensuring a focused, scientific approach to achieving your health goals.

Live better, longer

Prepare to embark on a lifelong journey of health improvement, supported by ongoing evaluations and personalized plan adjustments. We use state-of-the-art metrics to ensure your goals are not only met but surpassed, adapting as your needs change.

More Than Longevity Medicine

Our vitality doctors specialize in longevity medicine and men’s health. We help with lots of issues, including ED, declining hormones, and insulin resistance.


Longevity Medicine FAQs

A longevity doctor, also known as an anti-aging physician or longevity specialist, is a medical professional specializing in longevity medicine. Their primary role is to help patients optimize their health and well-being as they age and help prevent or minimize the impact of age-related diseases. A longevity doctor will provide comprehensive assessments, personalized treatment plans, lifestyle guidance, preventative medical interventions and medications (such as hormone therapy or regenerative medicine techniques), monitoring, and follow-up.

No single definitive test can accurately predict an individual’s lifespan or determine their exact longevity. However, several biomarkers and genetic tests associated with aging and certain age-related diseases can analyze your hormones, insulin sensitivity, chronological vs. biological aging, and epigenetic markers. Your physician can use this range of biomarker tests to produce an individualized treatment plan aiding you in boosting longevity.

Longevity therapy refers to various medical interventions, treatments, or practices aimed at improving biological age. It encompasses a range of approaches that focus on optimizing health, preventing age-related diseases, and enhancing overall well-being. Specific interventions may include treatments such as; hormone replacement therapy, regenerative medical treatments like peptide therapy, pharmacological interventions, and diet and lifestyle modifications.

There is no ‘secret’ to longevity. But research advises several factors and lifestyle choices contribute to increased longevity and overall well-being. A key aspect of achieving longevity is preventive healthcare. Regular medical check-ups, screenings, monitoring biomarkers, and preventive healthcare measures can help detect and address potential health issues early on, increasing the chances of successful intervention and promoting longevity. Adopting a healthy lifestyle also plays a crucial role in promoting longevity. This includes maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress effectively, getting sufficient sleep, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

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