What is it about the glow?

Radiant Skin

Many people struggle with the appearance of their skin, leading to embarrassment, dissatisfaction, and lack of confidence. At Opt Health, we recognize how crucial skin health is not just for your self-esteem, but for your overall quality of life. That's why we offer personalized programs to enhance the texture, tone, and radiance of your skin, all under the expert care of our licensed physicians.

Get Started

Why does skin health matter?

The appearance of your skin reflects your overall health. Achieving and maintaining radiant skin often involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate hydration, contributing to overall health and well-being. 

  • Skin appearance: A glowing complexion can indicate that the skin is well-nourished and properly hydrated. Radiant skin often signals good health. 
  • Confidence boost: People with radiant skin often feel more confident and satisfied with their appearance, which can positively impact their overall self-esteem and social interactions.
  • Graceful aging: Skin that appears radiant is usually well-moisturized and elastic, which can help delay the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

Bringing out the inner glow

We believe in addressing the root cause of skin dullness, not just treating symptoms. Our personalized approach will include:

Skincare routine and education

We’ll create a personalized routine for your skin, with a special focus on sun protection, skin treatments, and our range of anti-aging topical products.

Regular exercise

We’ll create a custom workout routine for you. Engaging in consistent physical activity enhances overall health and the appearance of your skin.

Nutritious diet

We’ll help you optimize your diet and nutrition. Poor food choices reflect on your skin.

Beauty sleep

We’ll help you establish a healthy sleep pattern to allow your skin to regenerate and rejuvenate.

Hormonal balancing

If low sex hormones are a contributing factor—as during menopause—we’ll help you regulate your hormone levels.

Skincare routine and education

We’ll create a personalized routine for your skin, with a special focus on sun protection, skin treatments, and our range of anti-aging topical products.

Regular exercise

We’ll create a custom workout routine for you. Engaging in consistent physical activity enhances overall health and the appearance of your skin.

Nutritious diet

We’ll help you optimize your diet and nutrition. Poor food choices reflect on your skin.

Beauty sleep

We’ll help you establish a healthy sleep pattern to allow your skin to regenerate and rejuvenate.

Hormonal balancing

If low sex hormones are a contributing factor—as during menopause—we’ll help you regulate your hormone levels.

Does your skin need a little boost?

Unlike traditional treatments, our approach takes a closer look at your lifestyle habits, skincare methods, and hygiene. Achieving radiant skin is for everyone who feels like their inner glow does not reflect on the outside. 

Some factors that could affect your skin health include: 

  • Hormonal changes during adolescence and menopause
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking
  • Certain health conditions 

More than radiant skin

Our expert team specializes in longevity and functional medicine for men and women. We address a wide range of issues affecting women’s health and quality of life, including bone and sexual health, hormone replacement therapy, and more.