Make the most out of your time and resources. Learn how to boost output with the following steps.
Boost Output : Optimize Your Efficiency and Productivity
The life of a modern man seems to get busier each day. Our desire to be productive is not only fueled by work performance. Productivity itself gives a sense of self-satisfaction. We want to be productive and efficient while maintaining a balanced life.
So how do we make the most out of our limited time and resources? Both personal and environmental factors affect performance and productivity. While boosting your output seems like excessive work, it actually is easier to achieve than you think. Below are small, but significant lifestyle changes that you can do to optimize your productivity, and boost output:
Ways to Boost Output
Take Regular Breaks
As much as we want to keep our productivity in constant momentum, taking breaks is necessary, especially when good ideas cannot come to us, no matter how hard we try to generate them. It might seem like an irony, but taking regular breaks may increase your productivity and prevent burnout.
There are several activities you can do in as short as a 10-minute off time. This includes stretching out and checking your posture, getting fresh air and natural light outdoors, and power naps. You may be surprised how a short break can help you feel refreshed and prepared to do the work.
Quit Multitasking
Multi-tasking may look productive, but what’s really happening is that your attention gets divided, and your momentum gets interrupted by switching tasks.
This especially happens when you jump on to different unrelated tasks such as researching while your favorite TV show in the background, eating lunch in front of your computer, and chatting with your buddy about this weekend’s dinner party—all at the same time. Next time you do a project, try to give it your undivided attention and observe how your output quality improves.
Set Priorities
First things first. The third habit in Stephen Covey’s & Habits of Highly Effective People suggests that to be effective, you need to set priorities and identify the level of urgency and importance of a task. You can categorize your chores based on the following:
Urgent and important (Do) – These are things that require immediate attention, such as important deadlines and emergencies.
Not urgent but important (Plan) – These are important for the long term, but do not necessarily need your immediate attention. These are activities that you can schedule on your calendar. For instance, working out or signing up for a self-development class.
Urgent but not important (Delegate) – Phone calls and unnecessary meetings can be categorized as urgent but not critical.
Not urgent and not important (Eliminate) – These are distractions such as social media or watching excessive TV.
By categorizing your activities, you can determine which ones need to be accomplished first and which can be done in your free time.
Introduce Greeneries and Let Natural Light In
We spend approximately
90% of the time staying indoors, which unfortunately is not all great for our health. That makes us vulnerable to artificial light and toxic chemicals existing indoors.
Being closer to nature has provided significant benefits in the workplace. Having access to outdoor landscapes, greeneries, and natural light has shown to improve workers’ health and wellness, which may lead to productivity gains. Furthermore, natural light also helps in learning and mood regulation.
Meanwhile, adding a touch of greens is associated with increased brain functions. Indoor plants like Chrysanthemums, Boston Fern, and Aloe Vera help purify toxins, gasses such as CO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are toxic chemicals that can be harmful to our health in the long term.
Placing plants in your work area may also help manage your stress level. The result of a study showed that the existence of greeneries is significantly related to having a more positive workplace attitude and decreased stress levels in males. You are lucky if your workplace has access to landscape and natural light. If not, you may choose to add plants in your area, open up your curtains, and work closer to a window.
Fuel Your Body with the Right Food
Diet and nutrition affect our health in general, but how important it is in our productivity is often overlooked. Just like a car needs quality fuel to run well, our body needs the right food to function accordingly. When preparing for your tasks, take note of the following:
- Drink Plenty of Water. Our brain is made up of about 70% water. That said, drinking enough fluids is essential to maintain our brain functions; otherwise, dehydration may cause brain fog and focus issues.
- Eat the Right Foods. Foods such as leafy greens, fatty fish, and nuts and seeds are linked to better brain power and creativity.
- Be Mindful of Your Sugar Intake. Although sweet treats such as chocolate make us feel energized, this spike in blood sugar level is often temporary and may cause irritability and depression in the long term.
When you are healthy, focused, and inspired, you are most likely to be productive and satisfied in several aspects of your life. Put in some time and effort in doing these lifestyle changes so you can do more, and experience more.
Need a boost in your productivity and output? Let us know how we can assist you. Get support and insight from top-tier physicians, completely available for you 24/7. Contact us today or leave a comment below!
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