Hormone Health
Opt Health in Men’s Health Magazine
Opt Health is in Men’s Health! The October 2022 article covers the basics of peptide therapy: what peptides are, how they work, and whether or not they’re effective.
Our physicians, Graham Simpson, M.D. and Jeremie Walker, M.D. weighed in on the relative price of peptide therapy compared to human growth hormone. According to Dr. Simpson, regular injections of peptides are “reasonable things we can do to [increase] our health span and life span.”
Unfortunately, the peptide industry is also ripe with scammers. “The current state of affairs is pretty messy in the peptide world,” says Dr. Walker. “I kind of liken it to what we’re going through with cryptocurrency and the legacy financial system.”
The bottom line: if you’re curious about peptide therapy, make sure that your source is legitimate. The good news? Opt Health offers safe and effective peptide therapy with plenty of doctor check-ins to monitor your progress. All of our prescriptions are manufactured in the United States at fully-license compounding facilities.
Read the full article in the October 2022 edition of Men’s Health.
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